argentatus, Astyanax Baird [S. F.] & Girard [C. F.] 1854:27 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 7; ref. 168] Upper tributaries of Nueces River, Texas, U.S.A. Lectotype: BMNH 1883.12.14.107. Paralectotypes: MCZ 858 [ex USNM] (3), USNM 869 (28). Type catalog: Vari & Howe 1991:5 [ref. 19022] dated 1855. Lectotype selected by Schmitter-Soto 2017:1363 [ref. 35414]? •Synonym of Astyanax mexicanus (De Filippi 1853) -- (Buckup in Reis et al. 2003:111 [ref. 27061]). •Valid as Astyanax argentatus Baird & Girard 1854 -- (Schmitter-Soto 2017:1361 [ref. 35414], Page et al. 2023:76 [ref. 40505], Fricke et al. 2024:183 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Valid as Astyanax argentatus Baird & Girard 1854. Acestrorhamphidae: Acestrorhamphinae. Distribution: Southern North America: northeastern and northerjn-central Mexico, and Texas (U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.