heterostomus, Probolodus Eigenmann [C. H.] 1911:164, Pl. 4 (fig. 1) [Annals of the Carnegie Museum v. 8 (no. 1) (art. 3); ref. 1226] Campos on Rio Paraíba, Brazil. Holotype: FMNH 54328 [ex CM 2973]. Paratypes: FMNH 54329-30 (3, 2). Type catalog: Henn 1928:59 [ref. 12305], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:70 [ref. 12367]. •Valid as Probolodus heterostomus Eigenmann 1911 -- (Pavanelli in Reis et al. 2003:154 [ref. 27061], Mirande 2010:501 [ref. 31006], Santos & Castro 2014:405 [ref. 33386]). •Valid as Deuterodon heterostomus (Eigenmann 1911) -- (Terán et al. 2020:7 [ref. 37440]). Current status: Valid as Deuterodon heterostomus (Eigenmann 1911). Acestrorhamphidae: Stygichthyinae. Distribution: Rio Paraíba do Sul basin, coastal basins of southeastern Brazil. Habitat: freshwater.