liparina, Amitra Goode [G. B.] 1881:477, 478 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 3 (no. 177); ref. 1833] Off Rhode Island, U.S.A., Fish Hawk station 891, depth 487 fathoms. Syntypes: USNM 26184 (2, discarded). •Valid as Paraliparis liparina (Goode 1881) -- (Andriashev 1993:597 [ref. 21898], Moore et al. 2003:224 [ref. 27076]). •Valid as Paraliparis liparinus (Goode 1881) -- (Chernova et al. 2004:41 [ref. 27592], Page et al. 2023:192 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis liparinus (Goode 1881). Liparidae. Distribution: Northwestern Atlantic: southeast of Long Island, New York (U.S.A.). Habitat: marine.