lanceolata, Laeops Franz [V.] 1910:62, Pl. 8 (fig. 60) [Abhandlungen der math.-phys. Klasse der K. Bayer Akademie der Wissenschaften v. 4 (Suppl.) (no. 1); ref. 1481] Fukuura and Dzushi, Japan. Syntypes: BMNH 1931.11.16.2 [ex ZSM] (1), ZSM [old collection] (9) destroyed in WW II. Type catalog: Neumann 2006:267 [ref. 28925]. •Synonym of Laeops kitaharae (Smith & Pope 1906) -- (Amaoka 1969:208 [ref. 105], Lindberg & Fedorov 1993:60 [ref. 21500]). •Valid as Laeops lanceolata Franz 1910 -- (Li & Wang 1995:177 [ref. 16193], Voronina et al. 2016:391 [ref. 35064], Voronina et al. 2020:526 [ref. 37730], Voronina et al. 2020:810 [ref. 38046]). Current status: Valid as Laeops lanceolata Franz 1910. Bothidae. Distribution: Northwestern Pacific: Vietnam and China to Japan. Habitat: marine.