brieni, Nothobranchius Poll [M.] 1938:409, Fig. 11 [Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines v. 30 (no. 4); ref. 17167] Bukama, Lualaba River, Democratic Republic of Congo. Lectotype: MRAC 50016. Paralectotypes: MRAC 50017-27 (11), 50028-39 (12); CAS-SU 17484 (2). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:53-54 [ref. 12291], Derijst 1991:58 [ref. 21528]. •Synonym of Nothobranchius malaissei Wildekamp 1978 -- (Lazara 2001:224 [ref. 25711] as aff. brieni). •Valid as Nothobranchius brieni Poll 1938 -- (Wildekamp et al. 1986:263 [ref. 6198], Seegers 1997:16 [ref. 23895], Lazara 2001:218 [ref. 25711], Valdesalici & Wildekamp 2004:249 [ref. 28097], Neumann 2008:74 [ref. 30291], Valdesalici 2010:51 [ref. 30802], Valdesalici & Amato 2011:118 [ref. 31284], Nagy 2014:358 [ref. 33245], Nagy 2014:181 [ref. 33512], Nagy 2014:274 [ref. 33623], Watters et al. 2015:128 [ref. 33955], Nagy et al. 2016:250 [ref. 34906], Nagy et al. 2017:208 [ref. 35665], Nagy 2018:130 [ref. 35736]). Current status: Valid as Nothobranchius brieni Poll 1938. Nothobranchiidae. Distribution: Middle Lualaba drainage, Democratic Republic of Congo. Habitat: freshwater.