distichodoides, Citharinus Pellegrin [J.] 1919:208 [Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France v. 44 (no. 5/7); ref. 15224] Gribingui River, Congo. Syntypes: BMNH 1919.8.15.16 (1); MNHN 1919-0201 to 0208 (8). Type catalog: Bertin 1948:38 [ref. 19577]. Originally as distichodoïdes. •Valid as Citharinops distichodoides (Pellegrin 1919) -- (Daget 1984:212 [ref. 6170], Gosse in Lévêque et al. 1990:263 [ref. 21589], Poll & Gosse 1995:99 [ref. 24781], Dankwa et al. 1999:24 [ref. 28023], Boden & Moelants 2024:291 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Citharinops distichodoides (Pellegrin 1919). Citharinidae. Distribution: Western to Central Africa. Habitat: freshwater.