Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 2 Oct 2024


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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taenioptera, Pimelodella Miranda Ribeiro [A. de] 1914:5, Fig. [Pimelodidae, Trachycorystidae, Cetopsidae, Bunocephalidae, Auchenipteridae, e Hypophthalmidae. Annexo no. 5; ref. 17771] Rio Sepotuba, Tapirapoan, Mato Grosso State, Brazil. Lectotype: MNRJ 691A. Paralectotypes: MNRJ 691 (2). Type catalog: Miranda Ribeiro 1955:404 [ref. 12732], Ferraris 2007:195 [ref. 29155]. Lectotype selected by Miranda Ribeiro 1953:404 [ref. 12732] [but perhaps specimen not isolated]. •Valid as Pimelodella taenioptera Miranda Ribeiro 1914 -- (Burgess 1989:281 [ref. 12860], Britski et al. 1999:98 [ref. 24147], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:421 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:195 [ref. 29155], Ruíz Díaz et al. 2008:1 [ref. 31123], Koerber 2011:6 [ref. 31122], Koerber 2014:7 [ref. 33621], Mirande & Koerber 2015:34 [ref. 35117], Slobodian et al. 2017:98 [ref. 35643], Reis et al. 2020:466 [ref. 38364]). Current status: Valid as Pimelodella taenioptera Miranda Ribeiro 1914. Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Distribution: South America: upper Paraguay River basin (Brazil and Argentina). Habitat: freshwater.

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