stigmatistium, Leptophidium Gilbert [C. H.] 1890:109 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 13 (no. 797); ref. 1623] Gulf of California, Mexico, 24°30'15"N, 110°29'W, Albatross station 2996, depth 112 fathoms. Holotype (unique): USNM 44389. •Valid as Lepophidium stigmatistium (Gilbert 1890) -- (Lea in Fischer et al. 1995:1346 [ref. 22830], De La Cruz Agüero et al. 1997:245 [ref. 24545], Robins in Nielsen et al. 1999:36 [ref. 24448], Nelson et al. 2004:91 [ref. 27807], Love et al. 2005:51 [ref. 37547], Robins et al. 2012:32 [ref. 32161], Page et al. 2013:94 [ref. 32708], Love et al. 2021:83 [ref. 39279], Page et al. 2023:109 [ref. 40505], Fricke et al. 2024:261 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Valid as Lepophidium stigmatistium (Gilbert 1890). Ophidiidae: Ophidiinae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: Pacific coast of central and southern Baja California (Mexico), and Gulf of California (Mexico). Habitat: marine.