pardus, Ecsenius Springer [V. G.] 1988:63, Pls. 7 (f. 6), 8 (f. 1); Fig. 33c [Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology No. 465; ref. 6804] South of northeast point at entrance to Ndaku Bay, Kandavu, Fiji Islands, depth 0-2.4 meters. Holotype: USNM 263116 (not 263113). Paratypes: BPBM 11270 (3), 14584 (2); AMS I.18354-071 (19); ROM 42510 (29); USNM 214520 (3), 214787-88 (1, 4), 236017-18 (11, 12), 279471 (7). Additional material: ROM 42508-09 (13, 5) Type catalog: Springer et al. 1991:17 [ref. 18888]. •Valid as Ecsenius pardus Springer 1988 -- (Springer 2001:3544 [ref. 26290], Randall 2005:490 [ref. 28239], Patzner et al. 2009:453 [ref. 30396]). Current status: Valid as Ecsenius pardus Springer 1988. Blenniidae: Salariinae. Distribution: Western Pacific. Habitat: marine.