spectrum, Lepidocephalus Roberts [T. R.] 1989:106, Fig. 81 [Memoirs of the California Academy of Sciences No. 14; ref. 6439] Rocky ledge in middle of Sungai Melawi near confluence with Kapuas River, about 0.5 kilometer upstream from Sintang, Indonesia. Holotype: MZB 3533. Paratypes: CAS 49353 (2), MZB 3534-35 (1, 1), USNM 230267 (1). •Valid as Lepidocephalus spectrum Roberts 1989 -- (Kottelat et al. 1993:59 [ref. 23448], Doi 1997:14 [ref. 22832], Proudlove 2006:268 [ref. 28992], Kottelat 2012:34 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:180 [ref. 32989], Deein et al. 2014:349 [ref. 33210]). Current status: Valid as Lepidocephalus spectrum Roberts 1989. Cobitidae. Distribution: Kapuas River basin, western Borneo, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater.