paepkei, Kuronezumia Shcherbachev [Yu. N.], Sazonov [Yu. I.] & Iwamoto [T.] 1992:103, Figs. 7-8 [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences v. 48 (no. 3); ref. 20586] Indian Ocean off Kenya, 3°07'S, 40°45'E, Valdivia station 249, depth 748 meters. Holotype (unique): ZMB 17641. •Valid as Kuronezumia paepkei Shcherbachev, Sazonov & Iwamoto 1992. Current status: Valid as Kuronezumia paepkei Shcherbachev, Sazonov & Iwamoto 1992. Macrouridae. Distribution: Western Indian Ocean. Habitat: marine.