Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 2 Oct 2024


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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inventionis, Maurolicus Parin [N. V.] & Kobyliansky [S. G.] 1993:83, Fig. 3B [Trudy Instituta Okeanologii Imeni P.P. Shirshova = Transactions of the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology v. 128; ref. 21208] Discovery Seamount, 42°18'S, 0°08'E, depth 200-0 meters. Holotype: ZIN 50101. Paratypes: USNM 321404 (15), ZIN 50102 (15), ZMMU P-18771 (9). Plus additional material. Type catalog: Vasil'eva et al. 2001:39-40 [ref. 25714]. •Valid as Maurolicus inventionis Parin & Kobyliansky 1993 -- (Parin & Kobyliansky 1996:190 [ref. 22246], Trunov 1999:462 [ref. 24579], Andrew et al. 1995:12 [ref. 38009], Savinykh & Baytalyuk 2010:148 [ref. 31015], Lima et al. 2011:46 [ref. 31116]). Current status: Valid as Maurolicus inventionis Parin & Kobyliansky 1993. Sternoptychidae: Maurolicinae. Distribution: Southern-central Atlantic: Discovery Seamounts; Tristan da Cunha Group. Habitat: marine.

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