abramovi, Hoplostethus Kotlyar [A. N.] 1986:128, Fig. 15 [Trudy Instituta Okeanologii Imeni P.P. Shirshova v. 121; ref. 6004] Western Indian Ocean, 10°58'S, 50°38'E, depth 300 meters. Holotype: ZMMU P-16479 (190 mm). Paratypes: ZMMU P-16479 (1, lost?). Type catalog: Vasil'eva et al. 2001:74 [ref. 25714]. •Valid as Hoplostethus abramovi Kotlyar 1986 -- (Kotlyar 1993:192 [ref. 21209], Kotlyar 1996:153 [ref. 23292], Moore & Dodd 2010:143 [ref. 30876]). Current status: Valid as Hoplostethus abramovi Kotlyar 1986. Trachichthyidae. Distribution: North of Madagascar and off the Transkei, western Indian Ocean. Habitat: marine.