trichonica, Cobitis (Bicanestrinia) Stephanidis [A.] 1974:227, Figs. 1-3. [Biologia Gallo-Hellenica v. 5 (no. 2); ref. 7541] Lake Trichonis, Greece. Syntypes: (35) whereabouts unknown. Kottelat 1997:90 [ref. 22952] recognizing that there were two holotypes designated originally, "restricted" the type locality to Lake Trichonis, but the Code does not provide for such restriction in that manner. •Valid as Cobitis trichonica Stephanidis 1974 -- (Bianco & Nalbant 1980:906 [ref. 22380], Economidis & Nalbant 1996:309 [ref. 23723], Kottelat 1997:90 [ref. 22952], Vassilev 1998:282 [ref. 24118], Erk'akan et al. 1999:25 [ref. 25143], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:317 [ref. 29996], Kottelat 2012:29 [ref. 32367], Barbieri et al. 2015:73 [ref. 35029]). Current status: Valid as Cobitis trichonica Stephanidis 1974. Cobitidae. Distribution: Greece. Habitat: freshwater.