fuscus, Acanthistius Regan [C. T.] 1913:368, Pl. 55 [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1913 (pt 3); ref. 3652] Easter Island, southeastern Pacific. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1913.12.7.1. Type catalog: Anderson 2018:5 [ref. 36146], Parenti & Randall 2020:6 [ref. 37354]. •Valid as Acanthistius fuscus Regan 1913 -- (Rojas M. & Pequeño 1998:172 [ref. 23775], Pequeño 1989:59 [ref. 14125], Anderson & Baldwin 2000:380 [ref. 24574], Heemstra 2010:60 [ref. 30720], Anderson & Heemstra 2012:13 [ref. 31956], Anderson 2018:5 [ref. 36146], Parenti & Randall 2020:6 [ref. 37354]). Current status: Valid as Acanthistius fuscus Regan 1913. Anthiadidae. Distribution: Southeastern Pacific: Easter Island and Sala y Gómez Island. Habitat: marine.