amapaensis, Hyphessobrycon Zarske [A.] & Géry [J.] 1998:20, Figs. 1-3 [Zoologische Abhandlungen; Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde in Dresden v. 50 (no. 1); ref. 23983] Small savanna stream at the B156 road from Sitio Camaipi to Santa Clara, about 11 kilometers from Sitio Camaipi and about 11 kilometers from Sitio Camaipi, about 45 kilometers to the north of Macapa, Amapa State, Brazil. Holotype: MZUSP 52730. Paratypes: Géry coll. 1005.1-2 (2), MTD F 21447-56 (10), ZMB 32867-68 (2). Type catalog: Zarske 2003:17 [ref. 27474]. •Valid as Hyphessobrycon amapaensis Zarske & Géry 1998 -- (Lima & Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:134 [ref. 27061], Zarske & Géry 2004:36 [ref. 28039], Lima et al. 2014:177 [ref. 33535], Moreira & Lima 2017:133 [ref. 35562], Faria et al. 2020:282 [ref. 37838]). Current status: Valid as Hyphessobrycon amapaensis Zarske & Géry 1998. Acestrorhamphidae: Hyphessobryconinae. Distribution: Amapa State, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater.