longior, Rhamphichthys Triques [M. L.] 1999:4 [Revue française d'Aquariologie Herpétologie v. 26 (no. 1/2); ref. 24281] Paru Lake (formed in the confluence of the Rios Trombetas and Paru-do-Oeste) at Oriximiná, PA, Brazil, about 1°45'S, 55°52'W. Holotype: MZUSP 48507. Paratypes: MZUSP 5630 (3). Type catalog: Ferraris et al. 2017:[28] [ref. 35236]. •Valid as Rhamphichthys longior Triques 1999 -- (Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:493 [ref. 27061], Carvalho & Albert 2015:40 [ref. 33681], Ferraris et al. 2017:[28] [ref. 35236]). •Synonym of Rhamphichthys pantherinus Castelnau 1855 -- (Carvalho & Albert 2023:44 [ref. 40654]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamphichthys pantherinus Castelnau 1855. Rhamphichthyidae. Habitat: freshwater.