andriashevi, Psednos Chernova [N. V.] 2001:481, Fig. 7A [Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 155 (no. 10); ref. 25345] West of Ireland, 54°21'N, 17°59'W, eastern North Atlantic, depth 800 meters. Holotype (unique): ISH 574-1986. Holotype is also a paratype of Psednos christinae Andriashev 1982. •Valid as Psednos andriashevi Chernova 2001 -- (Chernova & Stein 2002:760 [ref. 26224], Chernova et al. 2004:46 [ref. 27592], Chernova & Stein 2004:248 [ref. 27660]). Current status: Valid as Psednos andriashevi Chernova 2001. Liparidae. Distribution: Eastern North Atlantic: west of Ireland; known only from the holotype from 800 m. Habitat: marine.