chucuriensis, Lebiasina Ardila Rodríguez [C. A.] 2001:[2], Figs. [Revista Unimetro v. 13 (no. 27-28); ref. 25626] Quebrada La Carbonera, affluence of Río La Llana, San Vicente de Chucurí, Depto de Santader, Colombia. Holotype: CAR 150424. Paratypes: CAR 150423 (1 ex 2), 150425 (6); ICN-MHN 5313 [ex CAR 150423] (1). Type catalog: Mojica & Agudelo-Zamora 2018:23 [ref. 36127]. •Valid as Lebiasina chucuriensis Ardila Rodríguez 2001 -- (Weitzman & Weitzman in Reis et al. 2003:243 [ref. 27061], Ardila Rodríguez 2008:23 [ref. 30121], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:44 [ref. 35633], Netto-Ferreira 2024:381 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Lebiasina chucuriensis Ardila Rodríguez 2001. Lebiasinidae: Lebiasininae. Distribution: South America: between Magdalena River drainage and the Andes, northern Colombia. Habitat: freshwater.