changae, Creagrutus Vari [R. P.] & Harold [A. S.] 2001:88, Fig. 34 [Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology No. 613; ref. 25842] Río San Alejandro, a tributary of Río Sungarayacu, just above junction with Río sungarayacu, about 9°23'S, 75°11'W, Provincia Pachitea, Huanuco, Peru. Holotype: MUSM 8858. Paratypes: FMNH 84265 (10), MUSM 8859 (16), ROM 72378 (10), USNM 285276 (14, 2 c&s). •Valid as Creagrutus changae Vari & Harold 2001 -- (Vari & Harold in Reis et al. 2003:122 [ref. 27061], Mirande et al. 2013:763 [ref. 33366], Thomaz et al. 2015:Add. 5 [ref. 33893], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:17 [ref. 39298]). Current status: Valid as Creagrutus changae Vari & Harold 2001. Stevardiidae: Creagrutinae. Distribution: South America: western tributaries of Ucayali River in depts. Junin, Pasco and Huanuco (Peru). Habitat: freshwater.