delawarei, Psednos Chernova [N. V.] & Stein [D. L.] 2002:773, Fig. 11 [Copeia 2002 (no. 3); ref. 26224] Western North Atlantic, south of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 39°48'05"N, 70°43'28"W, depth 0-1000 meters. Holotype (unique): MCZ 158611. •Valid as Psednos delawarei Chernova & Stein 2002 -- (Moore et al. 2003:224 [ref. 27076], Chernova et al. 2004:47 [ref. 27592], Page et al. 2023:193 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Psednos delawarei Chernova & Stein 2002. Liparidae. Distribution: Northwestern Atlantic: east of New Jersey (U.S.A.); known only from the holotype from midwater. Habitat: marine.