Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 4 Feb 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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         Comments: Richard van der Laan, Ron Fricke

radiosus, Simpsonichthys Costa [W. J. E. M.] & Brasil [G. C.] 2004:2 [Zootaxa No. 737; ref. 28012] About 6 kilometers from confluence with Rio Paranã, about 15°20'S, 47°20'W, Rio Crixás floodplains, Est. Goías, Brazil, elevation about 800 meters. Holotype: UFRJ 6017. Paratypes: UFRJ 6018-21 (9, 6, 6, 5). •Valid as Simpsonichthys radiosus Costa & Brasil 2004 -- (Costa 2005:63 [ref. 28575], Costa 2006:17 [ref. 28620], Costa 2007:68 [ref. 29445]). •Valid as Hypsolebias radiosus (Costa & Brasil 2004) -- (based on generic placement in Costa 2011 [ref. 31654]). Current status: Valid as Hypsolebias radiosus (Costa & Brasil 2004). Rivulidae: Cynolebiinae. Distribution: Crixás floodplains, Paraná River drainage, upper Tocantins River basin, central Brazil. Habitat: freshwater.

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