rubrimontis, Parosphromenus Kottelat [M.] & Ng [P. K. L.] 2005:105, Fig. 6 [Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Suppl. no. 13; ref. 28282] Perak, after kilometer stone 21 from Taiping to Segema, Sungai Beriang, 5°07'18"N, 100°39'04"E, Malaysia. Holotype: ZRC 50264. Paratypes: CMK 4151 (5), 17696 (2); ZRC 38810 (7). Name is a noun in apposition. •Valid as Parosphromenus rubrimontis Kottelat & Ng 2005 -- (Schindler & Linke 2012:399 [ref. 32321], Ng et al. 2019:535 [ref. 36606]). Current status: Valid as Parosphromenus rubrimontis Kottelat & Ng 2005. Osphronemidae: Macropodusinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Perak, Malaya (Malaysia). Habitat: freshwater.