erythron, Chromaphyosemion Sonnenberg [R.] 2008:365, Figs. 4-5 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 18 (no. 4) [for 2007]; ref. 29383] Río Muni, road from Senye to Izaguirre, between Bisum and Avuenam, Equatorial Guinea. Holotype: MRAC P173188. Paratypes: MRAC P173178-84 (7), P173185-87 (3), P173189-96 (8), P173197 (1), MRAC 73-039-P-1164-65 (2), 73-039-P-1166-1169 (4). Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Aphyosemion erythron (Sonnenberg 2008) -- (Pohlmann 2009:38 [ref. 30191], Agnèse et al. 2013:520 [ref. 32730]). Current status: Valid as Aphyosemion erythron (Sonnenberg 2008). Nothobranchiidae. Distribution: Coastal plain of southwestern Equatorial Guinea. Habitat: freshwater.