kushimotoensis, Engyprosopon Amaoka [K.], Kaga [T.] & Misaki [H.] 2008:107, Figs. 1-3 [National Museums of Natural Sciences, Publications in Natural Sciences Suppl. 2; ref. 29584] Kushimoto, Nishimuro-gun, Wakayama Prefecture (washed ashore by typhoon). Holotype (unique): NSMT-P 76957 [ex KMPC-030810-10]. The gender of the genus Engryprosopon is neuter. •Valid as Engyprosopon kushimotoense Amaoka, Kaga & Misaki 2008. Current status: Valid as Engyprosopon kushimotoense Amaoka, Kaga & Misaki 2008. Bothidae. Distribution: Kushimoto, Wakayama Prefecture, Kii Peninsula, Japan. Habitat: marine.