pseudoisotrachys, Bathyraja Ishihara [H.] & Ishiyama [R.] 1985:165, Figs. 18 (A-B) [Japanese Journal of Ichthyology v. 32 (no. 2); ref. 5799] Off Muroran, Hokkaido, Japan. Holotype: ZUMT 14571. Paratypes: HUMZ 68015 (1). Type catalog: Aizawa et al. 2022:203 [ref. 39648]. •Valid as Bathyraja pseudoisotrachys Ishihara & Ishiyama 1985 -- (McEachran & Dunn 1998:286 [ref. 23312], Dyldin 2015:65 [ref. 34524]). •Synonym of Bathyraja bergi Dolganov 1983 -- (Sheiko & Fedorov 2000:15 [ref. 25650], Weigmann 2016:90 [ref. 34211]). Current status: Synonym of Bathyraja bergi Dolganov 1983. Arhynchobatidae. Habitat: marine.