nudiceps, Neoclinus Murase [A.], Aizawa [M.] & Sunobe [T.] 2010:66, Figs. 2D-E, 3C-D [Species Diversity v. 15 (no. 2); ref. 30997] Uzunohana, off Tsuma, Okinoshima town, Oki county, Shimane Prefecture, Sea of Japan, depth 8-9 meters. Holotype: BLIP 36670014. Paratypes: BLIP, NSMT-P. •Valid as Neoclinus nudiceps Murase, Aizawa & Sunobe 2010. Current status: Valid as Neoclinus nudiceps Murase, Aizawa & Sunobe 2010. Chaenopsidae. Distribution: Oki Islands, Shimane Prefecture, Sea of Japan, Western North Pacific. Habitat: marine.