mentikoilon, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] 2012:72, Fig. 51 [Zootaxa No. 3285; ref. 31964] Northwest edge of Maweson Bank, 71°52.37'S, 174°04.29'E, depth 1954-1990 meters. Holotype: NMNZ P.043721. Right pectoral girdle of holotype cleared and stained and cataloged as NMNZ P.043721/1 •Valid as Paraliparis mentikoilon Stein 2012 -- (Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis mentikoilon Stein 2012. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Ross Sea (Antarctica). Habitat: marine.