allpahuayo, Apistogramma Römer [U.], Beninde [J.], Duponchelle [F.], Díaz [A. V.], Ortega [H.], Hahn [I.], Soares [D. P.], Cachay [C. D.], Dávila [C. R. G.], Cornejo [S. S.] & Renno [J.-F.] 2012:191, Figs. 1-7, 9, 12-14, 18 [Vertebrate Zoology v. 62 (no. 2); ref. 32047] Small lake with a small effluent brook, ca. 29 km south of Iquitos, about 2 km west of the road from Iquitos to Nauta, Reserva Nacional Allpahuayo Mishana, 3°59'11.1"S, 73°25'51.4"W, Loreto Peru. Holotype: MUSM 40593. Paratypes: CAS, MTD, MUSM. •Valid as Apistogramma allpahuayo Römer, Beninde, Duponchelle, Díaz, Ortega, Hahn, Soares, Cachay, Dávila, Cornejo & Renno 2012 -- (Römer et al. 2017:153 [ref. 35309], Staeck 2017:33 [ref. 35639], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:27 [ref. 39298]). Current status: Valid as Apistogramma allpahuayo Römer, Beninde, Duponchelle, Díaz, Ortega, Hahn et al. 2012. Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Distribution: South America: Rio Nanay system (Peru). Habitat: freshwater.