skeltoni, Nothobranchius Watters [B. R.], Nagy [B.] & Bellstedt [D. U.] in Watters, Nagy, Van der Merwe, Cotterill & Bellstedt 2019:266 [28], Figs. 17-18 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 29 (no. 3) IEF-1110; ref. 37232] Flooded grassy area with reeds adjacent to rice fields on southeast side of road B163, 40 km southwest of Sengerema in the direction of Geita, 17 km southwest of Sima, 67 km southwest of Karumo ferry terminal, Tanzania, about 02°48'S, 32°29'E. Holotype: MRAC 2018.015.P.0022. Paratypes: MRAC. •Valid as Nothobranchius skeltoni Watters, Nagy & Bellstedt 2019. Current status: Valid as Nothobranchius skeltoni Watters, Nagy & Bellstedt 2019. Nothobranchiidae. Distribution: Southern tributaries of Lake Victoria, western Tanzania. Habitat: freshwater.