zebratus, Parauchenoglanis Sithole [Y.], Musschoot [T.], Huyghe [C. E. T.], Chakona [A.] & Vreven [E. J.] 2023:14, Figs. 2a, 8, 9 [Journal of Fish Biology v. 102 (no. 6); ref. 40134] Mukuleshi River, below Mukwiza Falls, about 12 km from Malemba Village and about 100 km westnorthwest of Kolwezi, Lualaba River drainage, Katanga Province, DRC, 10°20'25.4"S, 24°35'50.6"E. Holotype: MRAC 2022-001-P-0001 [ex ZSM 45158]. Paratypes: BMNH, MRAC, SAIAB, ZSM. Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Parauchenoglanis zebratus Sithole, Musschoot, Huyghe, Chakona & Vreven 2023 -- (Modimo et al. 2024:11 [ref. 41347], Sithole et al. 2024:28 [ref. 41677]). Current status: Valid as Parauchenoglanis zebratus Sithole, Musschoot, Huyghe, Chakona & Vreven 2023. Auchenoglanididae. Distribution: Central Africa: upper Lualaba River drainage, upper Congo River basin, Democratic Republic of Congo. Habitat: freshwater.