altipinnis, Callionymus Fricke [R.] 1981:373, Fig. 18 [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 4) v. 42 (no. 14); ref. 8481] Hong Kong fish market. Holotype: MSLH 0001. Paratypes: CAS 46967-69 (10, 1, 1). May use Callionymus or Bathycallionymus; authors differ. •Valid as Callionymus altipinnis Fricke 1981 -- (Fricke 1982:59 [ref. 5432], Fricke 1983:69 [ref. 8349], Fricke in Randall & Lim 2000:634 [ref. 25122], Fricke 2002:11 [ref. 26547], Fricke & Golani 2013:278 [ref. 32697], Fricke et al. 2014:12 [ref. 33442], Fricke 2016:46 [ref. 34468]). Current status: Valid as Callionymus altipinnis Fricke 1981. Callionymidae. Distribution: Western Pacific: Gulf of Tonkin (Vietnam) to Taiwan (South China Sea). Habitat: marine.