crassa, Poromitra Parin [N. V.] & Ebeling [A. W.] 1980:89, Fig. 1 [Copeia 1980 (no. 1); ref. 5523] Bismarck Sea, off New Guinea, 5°20.9'S, 146°16'E, depth 0-1000 meters. Holotype: ZIN 44261. Paratypes: IOM (1); USNM 218754-55 (1, 1). •Valid as Poromitra crassa Parin & Ebeling 1980 -- (Kotlyar 1996:275 [ref. 23292], Moore & Paxton 1999:2202 [ref. 24787], Kotlyar 2004:5 [ref. 27590], Kotlyar 2009:720 [ref. 30627], Kotlyar 2010:244 [ref. 30796]). Current status: Valid as Poromitra crassa Parin & Ebeling 1980. Melamphaidae. Distribution: Western tropical Pacific (between 30°N to 5°S); reported from northeastern coast of New Guinea. Habitat: marine.