nybelini, Notothenia Balushkin [A. V.] 1976:8 [6], Figs. 1a-b, 3 [Voprosy Ikhtiologii v. 16 (no. 1) (art. 96); ref. 8750] Mordvinov Island (S. Shetland Islands), western Antarctic Ocean, 61°15'S, 56°23'W, depth 370-400 meters. Holotype: ZIN 40892. Paratypes: ZIN 40892A (4), 42321 (4). On p. 6 of English translation. •Synonym of Lepidonotothen larseni (Lönnberg 1905) -- (DeWitt et al. 1990:301 [ref. 21696]). •Valid as Nototheniops nybelini (Balushkin 1976) -- (Rembiszewski & Zielinski 1980:100 [ref. 23212], Pequeño 1989:64 [ref. 14125], Miller 1993:180 [ref. 21297], Balushkin 2000:S97 [ref. 29555]). Current status: Valid as Nototheniops nybelini (Balushkin 1976). Nototheniidae: Nototheniinae. Distribution: Southern Atlantic. Habitat: marine.