longior, Lamprologus leleupi Staeck [W.] 1980:11, Figs. 1-2 [Revue de Zoologie Africaine v. 94 (no. 1); ref. 8997] Kabogo Point, Kibwe Bay, 5°25'S, 29°44'E, Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania. Holotype: MRAC 79-30-P-1. Paratypes: MRAC 79-30-P-2 (1). •Valid as Neolamprologus longior (Staeck 1980) -- (Maréchal & Poll 1991:282 [ref. 20946], Schelly et al. 2003:3 [ref. 27431]). •Synonym of Neolamprologus leleupi (Poll 1956), but a valid subspecies as described -- (Konings 2015:132 [ref. 34660], Konings 2019:138 [ref. 36983]). Current status: Valid as Neolamprologus longior (Staeck 1980). Cichlidae: Pseudocrenilabrinae. Distribution: Eastern Africa: eastern shore of Lake Tanganyika. Habitat: freshwater.