Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 6 November 2023


Catalog of Fishes

Species that contain: Agrammus and agrammus [ 6 ] records

agrammus, Ambassis Günther [A.] 1867:57 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 3) v. 20 (no. 115); ref. 1988] Cape York, Queensland, Australia. Syntypes: BMNH 1867.5.6.32-33 (3). •Valid as Ambassis agrammus Günther 1867 -- (Roberts 1978:54 [ref. 8886], Paxton et al. 1989:484 [ref. 12442], Allen & Burgess 1990:157 [ref. 15712], Allen & Leggett 1990:537 [ref. 20887], Larson & Martin 1990:37 [ref. 16606], Allen 1991:114 [ref. 21090], Pusey et al. 2000:72 [ref. 24466], Allen et al. 2000:93 [ref. 27467], Unmack 2001:1062 [ref. 25797], Allen et al. 2002:181 [ref. 25930], Allen et al. 2006:970 [ref. 29066], Allen et al. 2008:111 [ref. 30265], Larson et al. 2013:93 [ref. 32988], Pusey et al. 2017:49 [ref. 35250]). •Valid as Pseudoambassis agrammus (Günther 1867) -- (Ghazali et al. 2024:8 [ref. 40872]). Current status: Valid as Pseudoambassis agrammus (Günther 1867). Ambassidae. Distribution: Northern Australia and New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater.

agrammus, Labrax Temminck [C. J.] & Schlegel [H.] 1843:56, Pl. 22A (fig. 1) [Fauna Japonica Parts 2-4; ref. 4371] Japon, Nagasaki, Nagasaki Prefecture, Kyūshū, Japan, western North Pacific. Lectotype: RMNH 640 (stuffed). Paralectotypes: RMNH 630-639 (10, stuffed), 2072 (2); ZMB 11263 [ex RMNH] (1, dry). Type catalog: Paepke & Fricke 1992:280 [ref. 19946], Paepke 2001:330 [ref. 25566]. Type information: Boeseman 1947:61 [ref. 12876] Lectotype selected by Boeseman 1947:61 [ref. 12876]. Agrammus schlegelii Günther 1860 is an unneeded replacement. Authorship is sometimes attributed to Schlegel in Temminck & Schlegel 1843. •Valid as Agrammus agrammus (Temminck & Schlegel 1843) -- (Rutenberg 1962:35 [ref. 24028], Sheiko 1983:18 [ref. 37041], Lindberg & Krasyukova 1987:123 [ref. 15964], Cheng & Zhou 1997:424 [ref. 26385], Wang et al. 2001:294 [ref. 26566]). •Valid as Hexagrammos agrammus (Temminck & Schlegel 1843) -- (Amaoka in Masuda et al. 1984:320 [ref. 6441], Kendall & Vinter 1984:11 [ref. 26201], Shinohara 1994:79 [ref. 21519], Sokolovskaya et al. 1998:9 [ref. 24670], Nakabo 2000:625 [ref. 25086], Shimizu 2001:27 [ref. 25799], Nakabo 2002:625 [ref. 26001], Choi et al. 2003:571 [ref. 26218], Parin et al. 2002:S66 [ref. 28300], Mecklenburg & Eschmeyer 2003:3 [ref. 27292], Crow et al. 2004:992 [ref. 27948], Parin et al. 2014:228 [ref. 33547], Dyldin & Orlov 2017:60 [ref. 35138], Kim et al. 2020:99 [ref. 39118], Sonoyama et al. 2020:88 [ref. 37637], Dyldin et al. 2021:59 [ref. 38804], Dyldin & Orlov 2022:37 [ref. 38972]). Current status: Valid as Hexagrammos agrammus (Temminck & Schlegel 1843). Hexagrammidae: Hexagramminae. Distribution: Northwestern Pacific: southern Sea of Japan to Yellow Sea off southwestern Korea and Peter the Great Bay (Russia). Habitat: marine.

agrammus, Optivus Gomon [M. F.] 2004:176, Fig. 1B [Records of the Australian Museum v. 56 (no. 2); ref. 27786] Central Australian Bight, South Australia, 31°50'S, 130°45'E, depth 54 meters. Holotype: CSIRO H 5316-08. Paratypes: CSIRO CA 3459-60 (1, 1), H 5316-09 (3); NMV A24987-001 (1); SAMA A478 (1), A744 (2), A776 (1), A1664 (1); WAM P.15263 (1), P.26608-018 (1). Type catalog: Moore et al. 2008:16 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Optivus agrammus Gomon 2004 -- (Paxton et al. 2006:770 [ref. 29074], Gomon 2008:427 [ref. 30616]). Current status: Valid as Optivus agrammus Gomon 2004. Trachichthyidae. Distribution: Australia: South Australia and Western Australia. Habitat: marine.

agrammus, Phycis Rafinesque [C. S.] 1814:17 [Précis des découvertes et travaux somiologiques de Mr. C. S. Rafinesque-Schmaltz; ref. 3582] Sicily, Italy, Mediterranean Sea. No types known. •Unidentifiable in Gadiformes -- (Parenti 2019:114 [ref. 37117]). Habitat: marine.

reticulatus, Ambassis interrupta var. Weber [M.] 1913:574 [Süsswasserfische aus Niederländisch Süd- und Nord-Neu-Guinea v. 9 (livr. 4); ref. 4603] Merauke, Bivak Island, Sabang, Alkmaar, River-kamp, and Verlaten Bocht. New Guinea. Syntypes: RMNH 10877 [ex ZMA] (3); ZMA 112388-93 (5, 11, 2, 3, 34, 5). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:84 [ref. 19236]. •Synonym of Ambassis agrammus Günther 1867 -- (Allen & Burgess 1990:157 [ref. 15712], Allen 1991:115 [ref. 21090]). •Synonym of Pseudoambassis agrammus (Günther 1867). Current status: Synonym of Pseudoambassis agrammus (Günther 1867). Ambassidae. Habitat: freshwater.

schlegelii, Agrammus Günther [A.] 1860:94 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 2; ref. 1963] Japan. Lectotype: RMNH 640 (stuffed). Paralectotypes: RMNH 630-639 (10, stuffed), 2072 (2); ZMB 11263 (1, dry). Unneeded replacement name for Labrax agrammus Temminck & Schlegel 1843. •Synonym of Agrammus agrammus (Temminck & Schlegel 1843) -- (Rutenberg 1962:35 [ref. 24028]). •Synonym of Hexagrammos agrammus (Temminck & Schlegel 1843) -- (Mecklenburg & Eschmeyer 2003:3 [ref. 27292], Dyldin & Orlov 2017:60 [ref. 35138]). Current status: Synonym of Hexagrammos agrammus (Temminck & Schlegel 1843). Hexagrammidae: Hexagramminae. Habitat: marine.

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