Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 6 November 2023


Catalog of Fishes

Species that contain: Aphanotorulus and ammophilus [ 1 ] records

ammophilus, Aphanotorulus Armbruster [J. W.] & Page [L. M.] 1996:385, Figs. 2, 3c, 4 [Copeia 1996 (no. 2); ref. 22151] Río San Carlos, River Portuguesa drainage at Caño Hondo, 9°31'51"N, 68°39'39"W, Cojedes State, Venezuela. Holotype: INHS 32035. Paratypes: ANSP 173089 [ex INHS 34784] (2); FMNH 105064 [ex INHS 29001] (2); INHS 29001 (1 c&s), 34738 (2), 34784 (31); MBUCV-V-26460 [ex INHS 34738] (1); MCNG 27678 (2); SIUC 23936 [ex INHS 34738] (1); TU 173803 [ex INHS 34784] (3); UAIC 11126.01 [ex INHS 34738] (1); USNM 335171 [ex INHS 34738] (2). Type catalog: Sabaj et al. 1997:270-271 [ref. 23225], Provenzano et al. 1998:3 [ref. 24196], Ferraris 2007:225 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Hypostomus ammophilus (Armbruster & Page 1996) -- (Armbruster 2004:79 [ref. 27644], DoNascimiento 2016:533 [ref. 34727]). •Valid as Aphanotorulus ammophilus Armbruster & Page 1996 -- (Burgess & Finley 1996:170 [ref. 22901], Armbruster 1998:254 [ref. 23319], Montoya-Burgos et al. 1998:367 [ref. 23850], Isbrücker 2001:25 [ref. 25653], Isbrücker 2002:12 [ref. 27178], Weber in Reis et al. 2003:351 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:225 [ref. 29155], Ray & Armbruster 2016:508 [ref. 34178], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:81 [ref. 35633], Urbano-Bonilla et al. 2018:76 [ref. 35773], Provenzano-Rizzi et al. in Lasso & Morales-Betancourt 2022:178 [ref. 40783]). Current status: Valid as Aphanotorulus ammophilus Armbruster & Page 1996. Loricariidae: Hypostominae. Distribution: South America: Orinoco River basin (Venezuela and Colombia). Habitat: freshwater.

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