Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 6 November 2023


Catalog of Fishes

Species that contain: Barbus and ticto [ 1 ] records

stoliczkanus, Barbus (Puntius) Day [F.] 1871:328 [Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal v. 40 (pt 2, no. 1-4); ref. 14128] Eastern Myanmar. Syntypes: (6 + 15) AMS 7741-43 (1, 1, 1) Moulmein; BMNH 1889.2.1.850-852 (3), NMW 54560a (1), 54272 (2); ZSI F2298 (1) Moulmein, A.789-790 (2, lost), NMW 54640 (1). Type catalog: Whitehead & Talwar 1976:156 [ref. 23762], Ferraris et al. 2000:302 [ref. 25110]. Replacement name for Barbus mclellandi Day 1870. Reasons for loss of ZSI type specimens during WWII see Chopra 1947:349-350 [ref. 33077]. •Synonym of Puntius ticto (Hamilton 1822) -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:291 [ref. 20764], Menon 1999:104 [ref. 24904]). •Valid as Puntius stoliczkanus (Day 1871) -- (Menon et al. 2000:264 [ref. 25168], Kottelat 2001:74 [ref. 25780], Vishwanath & Laisram 2004:136 [ref. 27863], Kullander & Fang 2005:297 [ref. 28193], Jameela Beevi & Ramachandran 2005:85 [ref. 28531], Shantakumar & Vishwanath 2006:2279 [ref. 28676], Linthoingambi & Vishwanath 2007:52 [ref. 29122], Kullander 2008:59 [ref. 29716], Knight et al. 2012:2413 [ref. 31841]). •Valid as Pethia stoliczkana (Day 1871) -- (Pethiyagoda et al. 2012:81 [ref. 32071], Disham & Vishwanath 2013:88 [ref. 32976], Kottelat 2013:141 [ref. 32989], Lalramliana et al. 2014:373 [ref. 33389], Katwate et al. 2014:5814 [ref. 33390], Batuwita et al. 2015:580 [ref. 33714], Shangningam & Vishwanath 2018:590 [ref. 35803], Bleher 2018:696 [ref. 36647], Shangningam et al. 2020:332 [ref. 37259], Ren et al. 2020:[5] [ref. 37805], Fu et al. 2021:9570 [ref. 39347], Taki et al. 2021:131 [ref. 39830], Shangningam & Kosygin 2022:59 [ref. 39587]). Replacement Name. Current status: Valid as Pethia stoliczkana (Day 1871). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: South and southeast Asia: Chindwin-Irrawaddy, Mae Klong, Chao Phraya and Mekong River basins, India, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos and Yunnan (China). Habitat: freshwater.

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