Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 6 November 2023


Catalog of Fishes

Genera that contain: Clarias [ 15 ] records

Anguilloclarias (subgenus of Clarias) Teugels [G. G.] 1982:13 [Annales, Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, Série in 8o, Sciences Zoologiques v. 236; ref. 6670] Masc. Clarias theodorae Weber 1897. Type by original designation. Also appeared in Teugels 1982:738 [ref. 4377]. •Synonym of Clarias Scopoli 1777 -- (Teugels 1986:69 [ref. 6193]). •Synonym of Clarias Scopoli 1777, but a valid subgenus Anguilloclarias as described -- (Teugels 1986:101 [ref. 12548], Teugels in Lévêque et al. 1992:488 [ref. 21590], Poll & Gosse 1995:197 [ref. 24781], Ferraris 2007:139 [ref. 29155], Bernt & Stiassny 2022:12 [ref. 39552]). •Synonym of Clarius Scopoli 1777 -- (Kottelat 2013:242 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Clarias Scopoli 1777. Clariidae.

Bathyclarias Jackson [P. B. N.] 1959:112 [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London v. 132 (pt 1); ref. 2312] Masc. Clarias longibarbis Worthington 1933. Type by original designation. •Synonym of Dinotopterus Boulenger 1906 -- (Teugels 1986:95 [ref. 6193]). •See Agnèse & Teugels 2005:552 [ref. 29271]. •Valid as Bathyclarias Jackson 1959 -- (Poll & Gosse 1995:193 [ref. 24781], Anseaume & Teugels 1999:409 [ref. 24564], Agnèse & Teugels 2001:683 [ref. 25481], Agnèse & Teugels 2005:552 [ref. 28553], Ferraris 2007:136 [ref. 29155], Wright 2017:6 [ref. 35493]). Current status: Valid as Bathyclarias Jackson 1959. Clariidae.

Brevicephaloides (subgenus of Clarias) Teugels [G. G.] 1982:14 [Annales, Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, Série in 8o, Sciences Zoologiques v. 236; ref. 6670] Masc. Clarias camerunensis Lönnberg 1895. Type by original designation. Also appeared in Teugels 1982:739 [ref. 4377]. •Synonym of Clarias Scopoli 1777, but a valid subgenus Brevicephaloides as described -- (Teugels 1986:140 [ref. 12548], Teugels in Lévêque et al. 1992:490 [ref. 21590], Poll & Gosse 1995:197 [ref. 24781], Ferraris 2007:139 [ref. 29155], Hanssens 2009:36 [ref. 30167], Bernt & Stiassny 2022:12 [ref. 39552]). •Synonym of Clarias Scopoli 1777 -- (Teugels 1986:69 [ref. 6193], Kottelat 2013:242 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Clarias Scopoli 1777. Clariidae.

Clariallabes Boulenger [G. A.] 1900:136 [Annales du Musee du Congo (Ser. Zoologie) v. 1 (fasc. 6); ref. 555] Masc. Clarias melas Boulenger 1887. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Genus treated as masculine in original description. •Valid as Clariallabes Boulenger 1900 -- (Poll 1977:146 [ref. 3533], Burgess 1989:145 [ref. 12860], Poll & Gosse 1995:195 [ref. 24781], Taverne & De Vos 1998:216 [ref. 23316], Devaere et al. 2007:107 [ref. 29166], Ferraris 2007:137 [ref. 29155], Teugels et al. 2007:667 [ref. 30030], Marshall 2011:165 [ref. 31755], Wright 2017:6 [ref. 35493]). Current status: Valid as Clariallabes Boulenger 1900. Clariidae.

Clarias Scopoli [J. A.] (ex Gronow) 1777:455 [Introductio ad historiam naturalem; ref. 3990] Masc. Silurus anguillaris Linnaeus 1758. Type by subsequent designation. Based on Clarias Gronow; spelled Chlarias by Scopoli (regarded as in error). Species added by Swainson 1839:307 (not by Cuvier 1816); type designated by Teugels & Roberts in Teugels (in Daget) 1986:69 [ref. 6189], see also Teugels & Roberts 1987 [ref. 6479]. See van Oijen et al. 2009:293 [ref. 30423]. •Valid as Clarias Scopoli 1777 [with varying type species] -- (Sydenham 1978:347 [ref. 22253], Teugels 1982 [ref. 4377], Teugels 1983 [ref. 12851], Sawada in Masuda et al. 1984:59 [ref. 6441], Teugels 1986:69 [ref. 6193], Teugels 1986:11 [ref. 12548], Teugels & Roberts 1987 [ref. 6479], Burgess 1989:145 [ref. 12860], Lévêque et al. 1989:119 [ref. 26480], Paugy & Bénech 1989:302 [ref. 26478], Roberts 1989:127 [ref. 6439], Ataur Rahman 1989:163 [ref. 24860], Paugy et al. 1990:340 [ref. 26477], Skelton & Teugels 1992:1 [ref. 20199], Zheng & Pan in Pan et al. 1991:291 [ref. 23876], Teugels in Lévêque et al. 1992:474 [ref. 21590], Bakhoum 1994:191 [ref. 24734], Poll & Gosse 1995:195 [ref. 24781], Seegers 1996:200 [ref. 23725], Ng 1999:17 [ref. 23892], Lim & Ng 1999:157 [ref. 23893], Yue in Chu et al. 1999:182 [ref. 24534], Dankwa et al. 1999:35 [ref. 28023], Agnèse & Teugels 2001:683 [ref. 25481], Ng 2003:1 [ref. 27067], Sudarto et al. 2003:153 [ref. 27238], Ataur Rahman 2003:183 [ref. 31338], Sudato et al. 2004:8 [ref. 27680], Ng 2004:292 [ref. 27992], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:123 [ref. 28183], Agnèse & Teugels 2005:552 [ref. 28552], Jayaram 2006:303 [ref. 28762], Scharpf 2006:19 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:138 [ref. 29155], Teugels et al. 2007:673 [ref. 30030], Aken'Ova 2007:45 [ref. 30481], Ng & Kottelat 2008:725 [ref. 29755], Hanssens 2009:27 [ref. 30167], Minckley & Marsh 2009:225 [ref. 31114] as Clarius, Ng & Hadiaty 2011:1577 [ref. 31220], Marshall 2011:155 [ref. 31755], Kottelat 2013:242 [ref. 32989] with date 1763, Ng & Kottelat 2014:437 [ref. 33579], Lee & Sulaiman 2015:182 [ref. 33816], Zhang et al. 2016:181 [ref. 34477], Wright 2017:6 [ref. 35493], Low et al. 2022:389 [ref. 39370], Bernt & Stiassny 2022:1 [ref. 39552]). Current status: Valid as Clarias Scopoli 1777. Clariidae.

Clarioides (subgenus of Clarias) Teugels [G. G.] (ex David) 1982:13 [Annales du Musee Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, Série Sciences Zoologiques v. 247; ref. 12548] Masc. Clarias angolensis Steindachner 1866. Type by original designation. Not available from David in David & Poll 1937, published after 1930 without type fixation (Art. 13.2.4). Not made available in the Zoological Record (for 1960). Designation of Clarias angolensis Steindachner 1866 by Teugels 1982:12 allows the genus to date to Teugels 1982. •Synonym of Clarias Scopoli 1777, but a valid subgenus Clarioides as described -- (Teugels 1986:66 [ref. 12548], Teugels in Lévêque et al. 1992:483 [ref. 21590], Poll & Gosse 1995:197 [ref. 24781]). •Synonym of Clarias Scopoli 1777 -- (Teugels 1986:69 [ref. 6193] , Ferraris 2007:139 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Clarias Scopoli 1777 as a valid subgenus Clarioides -- (Agnèse & Teugels 2005:552 [ref. 28553], Hanssens 2009:36 [ref. 30167], Kottelat 2013:242 [ref. 32989], Bernt & Stiassny 2022:9 [ref. 39552]). Current status: Synonym of Clarias Scopoli 1777. Clariidae.

Cossyphus McClelland [J.] 1844:403 [Calcutta Journal of Natural History v. 4 (no. 4) (for 1844); ref. 2927] Masc. Cossyphus ater McClelland 1843. Type by monotypy. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Cossyphus Valenciennes 1839 in fishes; replaced by Phagorus McClelland 1844. •Synonym of Clarias Scopoli 1777 -- (Teugels 1986:11 [ref. 12548], Ferraris 2007:139 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:242 [ref. 32989]). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Clarias Scopoli 1777. Clariidae.

Dinotopteroides Fowler [H. W.] 1930:41 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 82; ref. 1406] Masc. Dinotopteroides prentissgrayi Fowler 1930. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Clarias Scopoli 1777, but a valid subgenus Dinotopteroides -- (Teugels 1983 [ref. 12851], Teugels 1986:13 [ref. 12548], Teugels in Lévêque et al. 1992:477 [ref. 21590], Poll & Gosse 1995:195 [ref. 24781]). •Synonym of Clarias Scopoli 1777 -- (Teugels 1986:69 [ref. 6193], Ferraris 2007:139 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:242 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Clarias Scopoli 1777. Clariidae.

Macropteronotus Lacepède [B. G. E.] 1803:84 [Histoire naturelle des poissons (Lacepède) v. 5; ref. 4930] Masc. Macropteronotus charmuth Lacepède 1803. Type by monotypy. We had type by monotypy; Kottelat (2013):242 [ref. 32989] has designated by Jordan 1917:85 [ref. 2407]. •Synonym of Clarias Scopoli 1777 -- (Teugels 1986:69 [ref. 6193], Teugels 1986:11 [ref. 12548], Ferraris 2007:138 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:242 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Clarias Scopoli 1777. Clariidae.

Phagorus McClelland [J.] 1844:225 [Calcutta Journal of Natural History v. 5 (no. 18); ref. 2928] Masc. Cossyphus ater McClelland 1843. Type by monotypy. Type apparently a mutilated specimen of Silurus batrachus Linnaeus. Replacement for Cossyphus McClelland 1844, preoccupied; replacement name appeared in an "Errata" notice (p. 225). •Synonym of Clarias Scopoli 1777 -- (Teugels 1986:11 [ref. 12548], Ferraris 2007:139 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:242 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Clarias Scopoli 1777. Clariidae.

Platycephaloides (subgenus of Clarias) Teugels [G. G.] 1982:11 [Annales, Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, Série in 8o, Sciences Zoologiques v. 236; ref. 6670] Masc. Clarias platycephalus Boulenger 1902. Type by original designation. Also appeared in Teugels 1982:736 [ref. 4377]. •Synonym of Clarias Scopoli 1777, but a valid subgenus Platycephaloides as described -- (Teugels 1986:50 [ref. 12548], Teugels in Lévêque et al. 1992:482 [ref. 21590], Poll & Gosse 1995:197 [ref. 24781], Bernt & Stiassny 2022:12 [ref. 39552]). •Synonym of Clarias Scopoli 1777 -- (Teugels 1986:69 [ref. 6193], Ferraris 2007:139 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:242 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Clarias Scopoli 1777. Clariidae.

Prophagorus Smith [H. M.] 1939:236 [Copeia 1939 (no. 4); ref. 4055] Masc. Clarias nieuhofii Valenciennes 1840. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Clarias Scopoli 1777 -- (Teugels 1986:11 [ref. 12548], Lim & Ng 1999:164 [ref. 23893], Ferraris 2007:139 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:242 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Clarias Scopoli 1777. Clariidae.

Pseudariodes Bleeker [P.] 1862:11 [Atlas ichthyologique des Indes Orientales Néêrlandaises v. 2; ref. 393] Masc. Silurus clarias Bloch 1782. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Type given as "Pseudariodes clarias = Silurus clarias Bl. [Bloch]." The possibility that this genus was based on a misidentified type species or deliberate use of a misidentification not investigated. •Synonym of Pimelodus Lacepède 1803 -- (Lundberg & Littmann in Reis et al. 2003:438 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:336 [ref. 29155], Grant 2021:84 [ref. 38702]). Current status: Synonym of Pimelodus Lacepède 1803. Pimelodidae.

Synodontis (subgenus of Pimelodus) Cuvier [G.] 1816:203 [Le Règne Animal; ref. 993] Masc. Silurus clarias Linnaeus 1758. Type by subsequent designation. Type designated by Bleeker 1862:6 [ref. 393]. Apparently Synodontes Minding 1832:116 is the same. Synodontis is regarded as a feminine Greek noun by some, but masculine by others -- conclusion uncertain; see Schraml 2011:23 [ref. 31313]. However, it should be known that all early authors, such as Günther, Bleeker, Boulenger, Vaillant, Pellegrin, Poll, Vinciguerra, Pfeffer and Peters all treated Synodontis as masculine. Also the Code states that if a genus can be regarded as masculine or feminine, then it is to be treated as masculine. Therefore, we treat Synodontis as masculine, unlike Ferraris 2007. •Valid as Synodontis Cuvier 1816 -- (Poll 1971:43 [ref. 7700], Gosse 1986:117 [ref. 6194], Paugy 1987:357 [ref. 6738], Burgess 1989:195 [ref. 12860], Lévêque et al. 1989:120 [ref. 26480], Paugy & Bénech 1989:303 [ref. 26478], Paugy et al. 1990:340 [ref. 26477], Skelton & White 1990:277 [ref. 13608], Paugy in Lévêque et al. 1992:515 [ref. 21590], Willoughby 1994:25 [ref. 22047], Poll & Gosse 1995:201 [ref. 24781], Seegers 1996:220 [ref. 23725], Dankwa et al. 1999:37 [ref. 28023] dated 1817, Friel & Vigliotta 2006:45 [ref. 28580], Wright & Page 2006:104 [ref. 28885] dated 1817, Ferraris 2007:311 [ref. 29155], Grant 2008:14 [ref. 29668], Friel & Sullivan 2008:3 [ref. 29726], Vigliotta 2008:121 [ref. 29734], Musschoot & Lalèyè 2008:1303 [ref. 29749], De Weirdt et al. 2008:122 [ref. 29869], Fermon et al. 2007:729 [ref. 30032], Vreven & Milondo 2009:97 [ref. 30416], Vreven & Ibala Zamba 2010:359 [ref. 31194], Schraml 2011:27 [ref. 31440], Schraml 2011:18 [ref. 31313], Vreven & Ibala Zamba 2011:359 [ref. 31194], Marshall 2011:175 [ref. 31755], Kasongo Ilunga et al. 2020:1142 [ref. 36894], De Weirdt et al. 2021:1 [ref. 38741]). Current status: Valid as Synodontis Cuvier 1816. Mochokidae: Mochokinae.

Xenoclarias Greenwood [P. H.] 1958:321 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 13) v. 1 (no. 5); ref. 1895] Masc. Clarias eupogon Norman 1928. Type by original designation. •Valid as Xenoclarias Greenwood 1958 -- (Poll 1977:147 [ref. 3533], Teugels 1986:101 [ref. 6193], Burgess 1989:147 [ref. 12860], Poll & Gosse 1995:197 [ref. 24781], Ferraris 2007:153 [ref. 29155], Wright 2017:6 [ref. 35493]). Current status: Valid as Xenoclarias Greenwood 1958. Clariidae.

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