Species that contain: Clinocottus and acuticeps [ 1 ] records acuticeps, Oligocottus Gilbert [C. H.] 1896:432 [United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries, Report of the Commissioner v. 19 (for 1893) (art. 6); ref. 1628] Unalaska harbor, Unalaska, Aleutian Islands. Syntypes: (4) CAS-SU 3027 (2), USNM 48608 (1). Additional material: (3) Vancouver I. Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:131 [ref. 12291]. •Valid as Clinocottus acuticeps (Gilbert 1896) -- (Bolin 1944:84 [ref. 6379], Lee et al. 1980:800 [ref. 22416], Eschmeyer & Herald 1983:165 [ref. 9277], Matarese et al. 1989:422 [ref. 26885], McAllister 1990:196 [ref. 14674], Mecklenburg et al. 2002:502 [ref. 25968], Nelson et al. 2004:118 [ref. 27807], Love et al. 2005:85 [ref. 37547], Page et al. 2013:121 [ref. 32708], Pietsch & Orr 2015:39 [ref. 34694], Kells et al. 2016:166 [ref. 35888], Burton & Lea 2019:65 [ref. 37205], Love et al. 2021:119 [ref. 39279], Page et al. 2023:185 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Clinocottus acuticeps (Gilbert 1896). Psychrolutidae. Distribution: Northeastern Pacific: Aleutian Islands south to central California (U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater, brackish, marine.