Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 6 November 2023


Catalog of Fishes

Species that contain: Ecsenius and axelrodi [ 1 ] records

axelrodi, Ecsenius Springer [V. G.] 1988:84, Pl. 10 (figs. 1-3); Fig. 44 [Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology No. 465; ref. 6804] Reef at drop-off at Amot Island, Hermit Islands, Bismarck Archipelago, 1°33'S, 144°59'E, southwestern Pacific, depth 3-6 meters. Holotype: USNM 231432. Paratypes: CAS 56556 (2); USNM 220975-77 (54, 10, 4); WAM P.28182-004 (2). Type catalog: Hutchins & Smith 1991:36 [ref. 19335], Springer et al. 1991:4 [ref. 18888], Moore et al. 2008:40 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Ecsenius axelrodi Springer 1988 -- (Springer 1991:104 [ref. 18995], Allen 1997:210 [ref. 23977], Myers 1999:224 [ref. 23965], Springer & Randall 1999:43 [ref. 24274], Springer 2001:3544 [ref. 26290], Springer 2002:5 [ref. 26322], Allen & Adrim 2003:54 [ref. 26830], Patzner et al. 2009:452 [ref. 30396], Allen & Erdmann 2012:810 [ref. 31980], Fricke et al. 2019:256 [ref. 36673]). Current status: Valid as Ecsenius axelrodi Springer 1988. Blenniidae: Salariinae. Distribution: Western Pacific: West Papua, Sulawesi (Indonesia), Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands. Habitat: marine.

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