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Online Version, Updated 6 November 2023 |
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Species that contain: Germo and alalunga [ 5 ] records germo, Scomber Lacepède [B. G. E.] (ex Commerson) 1801:1 [Histoire naturelle des poissons (Lacepède) v. 3; ref. 2710] Eastern Pacific at about 27°S, 103°W. No types known. Appeared earlier as Scomber germon in Lacepède 1800:598 [ref. 2709]. The section on "les scombres" was started at the end of Lacepède 1800 (v. 2) and continued at the beginning of Lacepède 1801 (v. 3); therefore, the descriptions of Scomber germon and Scomber germo are in reference to the same species but appeared in separate volumes published in different years with different spellings. See Scomber germon Lacepède 1800. Based on manuscript description by Commerson (Philibert Commerson, 1727-1773, French explorer and naturalist). Also appeared in Sonnini 1803:284, 319 (vol. 7) [ref. 30473] as Scomber germon on p. 284 and as Scomber germo on p. 319. •Synonym of Thunnus alalunga (Bonnaterre 1788) -- (Collette 1990:991 [ref. 19476], Collette 2001:3752 [ref. 26305], Collette 2003:1853 [ref. 27087], Collette 2003:14 [ref. 27312], Collette in Carpenter & De Angelis 2016:2911 [ref. 34618], Collette 2022:286 [ref. 40167]). Current status: Synonym of Thunnus alalunga (Bonnaterre 1788). Scombridae: Scombrinae. Habitat: marine. germo, Scomber Bennett [F. D.] 1840:278 [Narrative of a whaling voyage round the globe v. 2; ref. 260] Pacific. No types known. Based on Scomber germo Commerson, an unavailable name made available first by Lacepède 1801. •Synonym of Thunnus alalunga (Bonnaterre 1788) -- (Gomon et al. 1994:826 [ref. 22532], Collette 2003:14 [ref. 27312]). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Thunnus alalunga (Bonnaterre 1788). Scombridae: Scombrinae. Habitat: marine. germon, Scomber Lacepède [B. G. E.] (ex Commerson) 1800:598 [Histoire naturelle des poissons (Lacepède) v. 2; ref. 2709] Eastern Pacific (27°S, 103°W). No types known. Also in Lacepède 1801:1 [ref. 2710] as Scomber germo. The section on "les scombres" was started at the end of Lacepède 1800 (v. 2) and continued at the beginning of Lacepède 1801 (v. 3); therefore, the descriptions of Scomber germon and Scomber germo are in reference to the same species but appeared in separate volumes published in different years with different spellings; both are treated as independent description. See Scomber germo Lacepède 1801. Based on manuscript description by Commerson (Philibert Commerson, 1727-1773, French explorer and naturalist). Also appeared in Sonnini 1803:284, 319 (vol. 7) [ref. 30473] as Scomber germon on p. 284 and as Scomber germo on p. 319. •Synonym of Thunnus alalunga (Bonnaterre 1788) -- (Gibbs & Collette 1967:99 [ref. 13640], Collette & Nauen 1983:81 [ref. 5375] as germo, Collette 1990:991 [ref. 19476] as germo, Collette 2003:13 [ref. 27312]). Current status: Synonym of Thunnus alalunga (Bonnaterre 1788). Scombridae: Scombrinae. Habitat: marine. pacificus, Thynnus Cuvier [G.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1832:133 [Histoire naturelle des poissons; ref. 1000] Indian Ocean. Syntypes: MNHN A-6862 (1) Indian seas. Type catalog: Bauchot & Blanc 1961:377 [ref. 20733] and Blanc & Bauchot 1964:456, Fig. 37 [ref. 20804] as holotype; Collette 1966:373 [ref. 14641]. Based on Scomber germo Lacepède 1800 (ex Commerson manuscript) and a specimen; not regarded as a replacement name. Collette 1966:373 [ref. 14641] treated as a replacement name. •Synonym of Thunnus alalunga (Bonnaterre 1788) -- (Gibbs & Collette 1967:99 [ref. 13640], Collette 1990:991 [ref. 19476], Collette 2003:14 [ref. 27312]). Current status: Synonym of Thunnus alalunga (Bonnaterre 1788). Scombridae: Scombrinae. Habitat: marine. steadi, Germo germon Whitley [G. P.] 1933:81, Pl. 11 (fig. 1) [Records of the Australian Museum v. 19 (no. 1); ref. 4677] New South Wales, Australia. Holotype: AMS IA.2457. Paratypes: AMS IA.47 (1, head & fins). •Synonym of Thunnus alalunga (Bonnaterre 1788) -- (Gibbs & Collette 1967:100 [ref. 13640], Collette & Nauen 1983:81 [ref. 5375], Collette 2003:14 [ref. 27312], Bray et al. 2006:1777 [ref. 29091]). Current status: Synonym of Thunnus alalunga (Bonnaterre 1788). Scombridae: Scombrinae. Habitat: marine. |