Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 6 November 2023


Catalog of Fishes

Species that contain: Idiacanthus and antrostomus [ 2 ] records

antrostomus, Idiacanthus Gilbert [C. H.] 1890:54 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 13 (no. 797); ref. 1623] 33°49'45"N, 119°24'30"W, off southern California, U.S.A., Albatross station 2980, depth 603 fathoms. Holotype (unique): USNM 44286. •Valid as Idiacanthus antrostomus Gilbert 1890 -- (Gibbs 1964:513 [ref. 6961], Yamamoto in Amaoka et al. 1983:85, 181 [ref. 8379], Fujii in Masuda et al. 1984:54 [ref. 6441], Matarese et al. 1989:120 [ref. 26885], Pequeño 1989:33 [ref. 14125], Harold 1999:1915 [ref. 24741], Nakabo 2000:346 [ref. 25086], Shinohara et al. 2001:298 [ref. 25995], Nakabo 2002:346 [ref. 26001], Love et al. 2005:38 [ref. 37547], Castellanos-Galindo et al. 2006:252 [ref. 28944], Fourriére et al. 2016:454 [ref. 34668], Del Moral-Flores et al. 2016:606 [ref. 34923], Schnell & Johnson 2017:4 [ref. 35193], Burton & Lea 2019:43 [ref. 37205], Love et al. 2021:59 [ref. 39279], Page et al. 2023:88 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Idiacanthus antrostomus Gilbert 1890. Stomiidae: Idiacanthinae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: central Oregon (U.S.A.) south to Chile. Habitat: marine.

panamensis, Idiacanthus Regan [C. T.] & Trewavas [E.] 1930:131, Pl. 6 (fig. 2) [Danish Dana Expedition 1920-22 in the North Atlantic and the Gulf of Panama, Oceanographical Reports. v. 2 (no. 6); ref. 3681] Gulf of Panama, eastern Pacific. Syntypes: (32 + 19 juveniles) BMNH 1929.7.6.210-222 (8 lots); MNHN 1938-0127 (1); ZMUC P204478-204516 (38), P205050-205068 (19). Type catalog: Bertin 1940:310 [ref. 293], Nielsen 1974:29 [ref. 9588]. •Probably a synonym of Idiacanthus antrostomus Gilbert 1890 -- (Gibbs 1964:513 [ref. 6961]). Current status: Uncertain as Idiacanthus antrostomus Gilbert 1890. Stomiidae: Idiacanthinae. Habitat: marine.

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