Species that contain: Lythrurus and atripes [ 1 ] records atripes, Lythrurus Jordan [D. S.] 1878:59 [Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History v. 1 (no. 2); ref. 10444] Cache River, Johnson County, Illinois, U.S.A. Lectotype: USNM 26295. Paralectotypes: ISNH (none found), CAS-SU 1989 (2), ?MCZ 25030 (1). Type catalog: Gilbert 1978:27 [ref. 7042], Gilbert 1998:45 [ref. 23395]. Lectotype selected by Snelson & Pflieger 1975:235 [ref. 12387]. •Synonym of Notropis umbratilis (Girard 1856) -- (Snelson & Pflieger 1975:235 [ref. 12387], Gilbert 1978:27 [ref. 7042]). •Synonym of Lythrurus umbratilis (Girard 1856), subspecies cyanocephalus Copeland 1877 -- (Gilbert 1998:45 [ref. 23395]). Current status: Synonym of Lythrurus umbratilis (Girard 1856). Leuciscidae: Pogonichthyinae. Habitat: freshwater.