Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 6 November 2023


Catalog of Fishes

Genera that contain: Macrognathus [ 5 ] records

Bdellorhynchus Jordan [D. S.] & Tanaka [S.] 1927:391 [Annals of the Carnegie Museum v. 17 (nos 3-4) (12); ref. 2537] Masc. Mastacembelus maculatus Cuvier 1832. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Kottelat (2013) •Synonym of Mastacembelus Scopoli 1777 -- (Sufi 1956:105 [ref. 12498], Roberts 1989:180 [ref. 6439]). •Synonym of Macrognathus Lacepède 1800 -- (Kottelat 2013:310 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Macrognathus Lacepède 1800. Mastacembelidae.

Macrognathus Lacepède [B. G. E.] 1800:283 [Histoire naturelle des poissons (Lacepède) v. 2; ref. 2709] Masc. Ophidium aculeatum Bloch 1786. Type by subsequent designation. Earliest type designation located is Jordan 1917:56 [ref. 2407]. Correct spelling for genus of type species is Ophidion. •Valid as Macrognathus Lacepède 1800 -- (Sufi 1956:99 [ref. 12498], Jayaram 1981:387 [ref. 6497], Travers 1984:143 [ref. 5147], Kottelat 1985:274 [ref. 11441], Roberts 1986:98 [ref. 5802], Kottelat 1989:20 [ref. 13605], Roberts 1989:178 [ref. 6439], Ataur Rahman 1989:261 [ref. 24860], Brittan 1998:95 [ref. 24513], Arunkumar & Tombi Singh 2000:117 [ref. 25674], Ataur Rahman 2003:285 [ref. 31338], Pethiyagoda et al. 2008:37 [ref. 30097], Scharpf 2009:19 [ref. 30400], Britz 2010:295 [ref. 30685], Britz 2010:55 [ref. 30857], Plamoottil & Abraham 2013:6 [ref. 33148], Kottelat 2013:310 [ref. 32989], Plamoottil & Abraham 2014:49 [ref. 33147], Plamoottil & Abraham 2014:100 [ref. 33317], Arunkumar 2016:2003 [ref. 35770], Britz & Kottelat 2020:[1] [ref. 37336], Ng & Tan 2020:170 [ref. 37671], Arunkumar 2020:44 [ref. 37761]). Current status: Valid as Macrognathus Lacepède 1800. Mastacembelidae.

Macrognathus Gronow [L. T.] in Gray 1854:147 [Catalogue of fish collected and described by Laurence Theodore Gronow; ref. 1911] Masc. Balistes scolopax Linnaeus 1758. Type by monotypy. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Macrognathus Lacepède 1800 in fishes and by Macrognathus Burmeister in Hope 1845 in Coleoptera. •Synonym of Macroramphosus Lacepède 1803. 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Macroramphosus Lacepède 1803. Centriscidae: Macroramphosinae.

Pararhynchobdella Bleeker [P.] 1874:368 [Verslagen en Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Afdeeling Natuurkunde (Ser. 2) v. 8; ref. 435] Fem. Mastacembelus maculatus Cuvier 1832. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Mastacembelus Scopoli 1777 -- (Sufi 1956:105 [ref. 12498], Roberts 1989:180 [ref. 6439]). •Synonym of Macrognathus Lacepède 1800 -- (Kottelat 2013:310 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Macrognathus Lacepède 1800. Mastacembelidae.

Rhynchobdella Bloch [M. E.] & Schneider [J. G.] 1801:478 (liv) [M. E. Blochii, Systema Ichthyologiae; ref. 471] Fem. Rhynchobdella orientalis Bloch & Schneider 1801 (= Ophidium aculeatum Bloch 1786). Type by subsequent designation. Type designated by Jordan 1917:59 [ref. 2407]. Travers (1984:142) gives type as Rhynchobdella sinensis Bleeker 1870, but sinensis was not an included species. Misspelled Rynchobdella by Bloch & Schneider on p. liv [p. wrongly typeset as xliv] and Rhinchobdella by Griffith & Smith 1834:191 [ref. 1908]. •Valid as Rhynchobdella Bloch & Schneider 1801 -- (Travers 1984:142 [ref. 5147]). •Synonym of Macrognathus Lacepède 1800 -- (Sufi 1956:99 [ref. 12498], Roberts 1986:98 [ref. 5802], Roberts 1989:178 [ref. 6439], Kottelat & Lim 1994:189 [ref. 21379], Plamoottil & Abraham 2013:6 [ref. 33148], Plamoottil & Abraham 2014:49 [ref. 33147], Kottelat 2013:310 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Macrognathus Lacepède 1800. Mastacembelidae.

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