Species that contain: Malacoctenus and afuerae and multipunctatus [ 1 ] records multipunctatus, Malacoctenus afuerae Springer [V. G.] 1959:462, Pl. 5 (fig. 5) [Publications of the Institute of Marine Sciences, University of Texas v. 5 (for Dec. 1958); ref. 10210] Southwestern end of San Lucas Bay, Baja California, Mexico. Holotype: CAS-SU 49596. Paratypes: (137) BMNH 1957.5.1.77-87 (11); FMNH 61900 (52); CAS-SU 18933 (7), 49597-600 (7, 3, 1, 1); UCLA W51-20, 51-33, 51-54, 51-58 (1), 53-97 (2), W6-26 (2); UMMZ 171893 (2); USNM 174962 (38). Type catalog: Ibarra & Stewart 1987:54 [ref. 12367], Springer & Orrell 1996:16 [ref. 22274]. •Synonym of Malacoctenus tetranemus (Cope 1877) -- (Stephens & Springer 1974:10 [ref. 7149], Allen & Robertson 1994:233 [ref. 22193]). Current status: Synonym of Malacoctenus tetranemus (Cope 1877). Labrisomidae. Habitat: marine.