Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 6 November 2023


Catalog of Fishes

Species that contain: Megalodoras and uranoscopus [ 4 ] records

huberi, Oxydoras (Rhinodoras) Steindachner [F.] 1911:324 [Anzeiger der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse v. 48 (no. 15) (for 22 June 1911); ref. 14815] Rio Tocantins, near Cameta, Brazil. Holotype (unique): NMW 12615. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:174 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Pseudodoras huberi (Steindachner 1911) -- (Burgess 1989:224 [ref. 12860]). •Questionably a synonym of Megalodoras uranoscopus (Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888) -- (Sabaj & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:462 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:174 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Megalodoras uranoscopus (Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888). Doradidae: Doradinae. Habitat: freshwater.

irwini, Megalodoras Eigenmann [C. H.] 1925:307, Pls. 1, 3, 6, 25 (figs. 1-2) [Transactions of the American Philosophical Society (New Series) v. 22 (pt 5); ref. 1244] Kartabo, Bartica District, Guyana. Holotype: CAS 80234 [not 20735]. Paratypes: CAS 12037 [ex IU 16168] (2, now 1), 60227 [not 64227] [ex IU 15427] (orig. 5, now 2), 80243 [ex IU 15427] (1, labeled holotype); USNM 167837 [ex IU 15427] (1). Type catalog: Mead 1958:133 [ref. 20648], Ferraris & Vari 1992:17 [ref. 19771], Ferraris 2007:174 [ref. 29155]. Species account appears twice in paper; first based only on CAS 20735 (p. 307), second (pp. 308-309) based on IU material. •Valid as Megalodoras irwini Eigenmann 1925 -- (Ortega & Vari 1986:13 [ref. 9708], Burgess 1989:223 [ref. 12860], de Pinna 1998:307 [ref. 23847]). •Synonym of Megalodoras uranoscopus (Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888) -- (Sabaj & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:462 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:174 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Megalodoras uranoscopus (Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888). Doradidae: Doradinae. Habitat: freshwater.

libertatis, Doras Miranda Ribeiro [A. de] 1912:20 [Loricariidae, Callichthyidae, Doradidae e Trichomycteridae Annexo no. 5; ref. 3718] Manaus, Brazil. Holotype (unique): MNRJ 718 (missing). Type catalog: Miranda Ribeiro 1955:398 [ref. 12732], Miranda Ribeiro 1958:8 [ref. 22034], Ferraris 2007:174 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Megalodoras libertatis (Miranda Ribeiro 1912) -- (Burgess 1989:223 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Megalodoras uranoscopus (Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888) -- (Sabaj & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:462 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:174 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Megalodoras uranoscopus (Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888). Doradidae: Doradinae. Habitat: freshwater.

uranoscopus, Doras Eigenmann [C. H.] & Eigenmann [R. S.] 1888:159 [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 2) v. 1 (pt 2); ref. 1249] Lake Hyanuary, Amazonas, Brazil. Holotype (unique): MCZ 7235. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:174 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Hoplodoras uranoscopus (Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888) -- (Burgess 1989:224 [ref. 12860]). •Valid as Megalodoras uranoscopus (Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888) -- (Sabaj & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:462 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:174 [ref. 29155], Barriga Salazar 2014:115 [ref. 35745], Birindelli 2014:xx [ref. 33501], Sarmiento et al. 2014:190 [ref. 35004], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:88 [ref. 35633], Silvano et al. 2020:234 [ref. 38135], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:22 [ref. 39298], Taphorn et al. 2022:47 [ref. 41297]). Current status: Valid as Megalodoras uranoscopus (Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888). Doradidae: Doradinae. Distribution: South America: Amazon, Tocantins and Essequibo River basins (Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana and Peru). Habitat: freshwater.

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