Species that contain: Melamphaes and nigrescens [ 1 ] records nigrescens, Melamphaes Brauer [A.] 1906:283, Pl. 13 (fig. 4) [Die Tiefsee-Fische v. 15; ref. 632] Gulf of Guinea; off southwestern Africa; northeastern New Amsterdam; northern Cocos Islands, Bengal Bay; Chagos, between Seychelles to Zanzibar (Tanzania). Syntypes: (25, 2 damaged) SMF 2080 (1); ZMB 17666 (3), 17668 (2), 22390 (1); ZMH 8236 (1). Type catalog: Wilkens & Dohse 1993:416 [ref. 21161]. If recognized as valid from the Atlantic only, then a lectotype is needed. •Valid as Scopeloberyx nigrescens (Brauer 1906) -- (Moore 2003:1163 [ref. 27002], Moore 2016:2165 [ref. 34570]). •Synonym of Scopeloberyx robustus (Günther 1887) -- (Maul 1973:346 [ref. 7171] with question, Maul in Whitehead et al. 1986:763 [ref. 13676], Maul 1990:617 [ref. 17237], Santos et al. 1997:70 [ref. 23531], Kotlyar 2004:6 [ref. 27590], Kotlyar 2004:582 [ref. 27867]). Current status: Synonym of Scopeloberyx robustus (Günther 1887). Melamphaidae. Habitat: marine.