Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 6 November 2023


Catalog of Fishes

Species that contain: Monolene and asaedai [ 1 ] records

asaedae, Monolene Clark [H. W.] 1936:385 [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 4) v. 21 (no. 29); ref. 839] Off Port Angeles Light, Oaxaca, Mexico. Holotype: CAS 4729. Paratypes: CAS 4727-4728 (2), 4805 (1). Originally as asaedae but named for Toshio Asaeda, so could be corrected to asaedai unless it is felt that Clark Latinized the name first (Art. 31.1.1) and then added "e" [WNE, 12 Mar. 2012] -- suggest continuing use of asaedae. •Synonym of Monolene dubiosa Garman 1899 -- (Evseenko 1999:625 [ref. 24408]). •Valid as Monolene asaedae Clark 1936 -- (Hensley in Fischer et al. 1995:935 [ref. 22829] as assaedae, De La Cruz Agüero et al. 1997:74 [ref. 24545] as assaedae, Amaoka & Imamura 2000:247 [ref. 24802]). •Valid as Monolene asaedai Clark 1936 -- (Castro-Aguirre et al. 1992:104 [ref. 21805], Bussing & López S. 1994:152 [ref. 23101], [but may be a synonym of M. dubiosa Garman 1899], Evseenko 1998:59 [ref. 23643], Nelson et al. 2004:179 [ref. 27807], Love et al. 2005:171 [ref. 37547], Page et al. 2013:187 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:133 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Monolene asaedae Clark 1936. Bothidae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: Pacific coast of Baja California Sur (Mexico) south to Panama. Habitat: marine.

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