Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 6 November 2023


Catalog of Fishes

Species that contain: Pomacentrus and lividus [ 5 ] records

cyanospilos, Pomacentrus Bleeker [P.] 1853:709 [Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië v. 3 (no. 5); ref. 16833] Wahai, Ceram, Indonesia. Syntypes: (9) RMNH 6470 (some of 22). •Synonym of Stegastes lividus (Forster 1801) -- (Allen & Emery 1985:22 [ref. 5236] as cyanospilus, Allen 1991:253 [ref. 19344]). •Synonym of Stegastes punctatus (Quoy & Gaimard 1825) -- (Parenti 2021:84 [ref. 38418]). Current status: Synonym of Stegastes punctatus (Quoy & Gaimard 1825). Pomacentridae: Microspathodontinae. Habitat: marine.

obscurus, Pomacentrus Thiollière [V. J. de l'I.] in Montrouzier 1857:478 [200] [Annales de la Société d'Agriculture, Histoire Naturelle et Arts Utiles de Lyon (sér. 2) v. 8 (1856); ref. 17789] Woodlark Island, South Pacific. No types known. On p. 200 of reprint. •Synonym of Stegastes lividus (Forster 1801) -- (Allen & Emery 1985:22 [ref. 5236], Allen 1991:253 [ref. 19344]). •Synonym of Segastes punctatus (Quoy & Gaimard 1825) -- (Parenti 2021:84 [ref. 38418]). Current status: Synonym of Stegastes punctatus (Quoy & Gaimard 1825). Pomacentridae: Microspathodontinae. Habitat: marine.

prosopotaenioides, Pomacentrus Bleeker [P.] 1852:286 [Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië v. 3 (no. 2); ref. 16825] Ambon Island, Molucca Islands, Indonesia. Syntypes: RMNH 6470 (2 of 22). Original as prosopotaenioïdes. •Synonym of Stegastes lividus (Forster 1801) -- (Allen & Emery 1985:22 [ref. 5236], Allen 1991:253 [ref. 19344]). •Synonym of Segastes punctatus (Quoy & Gaimard 1825) -- (Parenti 2021:84 [ref. 38418]). Current status: Synonym of Stegastes punctatus (Quoy & Gaimard 1825). Pomacentridae: Microspathodontinae. Habitat: marine.

punctatus, Pomacentrus Quoy [J. R. C.] & Gaimard [J. P.] 1825:395, Pl. 64 (fig. 1) [Voyage autour du monde; ref. 3574] Mauritius, Mascarenes, southwestern Indian Ocean. Holotype: MNHN 0000-8505. Type catalog: Bauchot et al. 1978:26 [ref. 20862]. •Synonym of Stegastes lividus (Forster 1801) -- (Dor 1984:188 [ref. 29757], Allen & Emery 1985:22 [ref. 5236], Allen 1991:253 [ref. 19344]). •Valid as Stegastes punctatus (Quoy & Gaimard 1825) -- (Randall 2004:390 [ref. 28077], Randall 2005:385 [ref. 28239], Randall 2005:386 [ref. 28239], Allen et al. 2006:1471 [ref. 29090], Fricke et al. 2009:82 [ref. 30213], Shibukawa 2009:215 [ref. 30449] with author as Bleeker 1877, Allen & Erdmann 2012:630 [ref. 31980], Fricke et al. 2014:125 [ref. 33932], Koeda et al. 2016:72 [ref. 35333], Fricke et al. 2018:275 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:117 [ref. 36273], Arndt & Fricke 2019:27 [ref. 36883], Dalleau-Coudert et al. 2019:139 [ref. 40104], Fricke et al. 2019:222 [ref. 36673], Matsunuma in Motomura et al. 2021:51 [ref. 38121], Parenti 2021:84 [ref. 38418], Allen 2022:165 [ref. 39911], Balisco et al. 2023:5 [ref. 39932], Allen & Erdmann 2024:622 [ref. 40796], Fricke et al. 2024:85 [ref. 41255]). Current status: Valid as Stegastes punctatus (Quoy & Gaimard 1825). Pomacentridae: Microspathodontinae. Distribution: Red Sea; Indo-West Pacific: East Africa, Seychelles, Madagascar and Mascarenes (La Réunion, Mauritius, Rodrigues) east to Tuamotu Archipelago (French Polynesia), north to southern Japan, south to Western Australia, New Caledonia and Tonga. Habitat: marine.

vitianus, Pomacentrus Sauvage [H.-E.] 1879:206 [Bulletin de la Société philomathique de Paris (7th Série) v. 3; ref. 13259] Fiji Islands. Syntypes: MNHN 0000-9897 (4). Type catalog: Bauchot et al. 1978:29 [ref. 20862]. •Synonym of Stegastes lividus (Forster 1801) -- (Allen 1991:253 [ref. 19344] as virianus). Current status: Synonym of Stegastes lividus (Forster 1801). Pomacentridae: Microspathodontinae. Habitat: marine.

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